Tips for Proper Care and Maintenance of Personal Toys

Tips for Proper Care and Maintenance of Personal Toys

Personal toys can provide immense enjoyment and joy in the bedrooms if correctly cared for. You will keep your toys tidy and functional by implementing a few simple maintenance techniques. They are also ready to go. Use these suggestions to get the most pleasure from your purchases while also practicing good hygiene.

The Benefits of Personal Toys

Care Of Sex Toys

Before diving into toy care, let's review why intimate products are worth the small effort needed to maintain them:

  • Enhance partner play: Provide additional stimulation and explore new sensations together
  • Facilitate exploration: Discover what types of touch and stimulation you enjoy most
  • Overcome discomfort or obstacles: Allow penetration when medical issues cause pain
  • Improve sexual response: Increase blood flow to genitals and stimulate nerves
  • Enhance solo sex:  Give yourself pleasure and become more in tune with your body
  • Boost intimacy: Trying new toys builds trust and deepens your connection.

To fully reap these rewards, commit to proper hygiene and care to ensure your toys stay ready for play.

Sex Toy Materials – The Pros and Cons

Different sex toy materials have distinct care requirements. Understanding the properties of each provides insight into cleaning and storage needs:

  • Silicone: Non-porous, so easy to clean. Boilable and bleachable. Feels luxuriously smooth. It won't degrade over time.
  • ABS Plastic: Porous but less so than rubber. It can be bleached or washed with soap and water. Budget-friendly.
  • Jelly Rubber: Porous and degrade over time. Use condoms and avoid sharing. Clean with soap and water.
  • Cyber Skin: Extremely porous. Clean with soap and water only. Store in special powder—high maintenance.
  • Glass: Non-porous and easy to sterilize. Durable if high-quality. There is a risk of breakage, so inspect before use.
  • Stainless Steel: Non-porous, sterilizable metal. Sleek feel. It gets freezing! It won't degrade over time.

Consider material along with personal preferences when purchasing toys. High-quality materials like silicone make cleaning easier and extend a toy's lifespan.

Cleaning Sex Toys Properly

Care Of Sex Toys

To avoid infections or hazards, thoroughly clean toys after each use. Consider these general hygiene guidelines:

  • Wash before first use : Unwrap and clean a new toy before the first play session. This removes manufacturing residues.
  • Clean immediately after use: Don't let moisture and body fluids dry on toys. Rinse with water after use before complete cleaning.
  • Remove batteries and motors: Remove power units from vibrating toys before washing, as water exposure can damage electronics.
  • Use soap and hot water: Lather well with antibacterial soap, paying extra attention to crevices. Rinse until all soap residue is gone.
  • Clean non-motorized toys in the dishwasher:  Place silicone, stainless Steel, or glass toys in the dishwasher for a deep cleaning. Use a sanitizing cycle if available.
  • Sanitize with 10% bleach solution: Soak toys made from non-porous materials for 10 minutes to disinfect. Rinse extremely well afterward.
  • Don't use harsh soaps or scrubbing: Harsh soaps and scouring can damage toy materials and surfaces. Stick to gentle soap and hands.

Before storing, dry the toys thoroughly using a towel free of lint to avoid mildew or mold development. Remember - fluids can transmit STIs like HIV and Hepatitis C, so shared toys require diligent cleaning between partners.

Caring for Specific Toy Materials

Certain toy materials require specialized cleaning methods:

  • Silicone: Boil for 5 minutes or run through the dishwasher for deep cleaning. Use gentle soap and water for routine maintenance.
  • Rubber or jelly: Use condoms to keep porous rubbers cleaner for sharing. Clean with soap and water only. Harsh chemicals degrade material faster.
  • CyberSkin/UltraSkin: Use water only and pat dry with a lint-free cloth. Apply renewal powder after each use to keep the material soft—high maintenance.
  • Wood: Clean with soap and water only. Apply nourishing wood oil periodically to condition and protect the surface.
  • Leather: Use a leather cleaner/conditioner formulated for intimate toys. Harsh soaps can dry out and crack leather.
  • Glass: Sterilize by boiling, pressure cooking, or placing in the oven. Use soap and water for routine cleaning and rinse extremely well.

Tailor cleaning methods to each toy's specific material needs for maximum longevity.

Sanitizing Toys Between Users

If sharing toys between partners or using them during sex with multiple people, properly sanitizing becomes crucial:

  • Always cover porous toys with condoms during use to minimize fluid contact
  • Allow non-porous toys to air dry thoroughly before using them with a new partner
  • Soak in 10% bleach solution for at least 10 minutes between partners
  • Boil silicone, stainless Steel, or borosilicate glass for 5+ minutes to sanitize
  • Use sanitizing UV light boxes explicitly designed for toys
  • Place toys in a dishwasher using the "sanitize" setting
  • Wipe toys and contact surfaces with isopropyl alcohol

Neglecting to sanitize shared toys risks transmitting STIs, so take this step seriously. Also, replace toys that become heavily scratched or damaged, which can harbor bacteria.

Storing Toys Properly

How you store toys plays a significant role in longevity and safety:

  • Store toys separately from one another to prevent contact and material damage
  • Place toys in lint-free cloth bags or original packaging
  • Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures, which degrade materials faster
  • Keep silicone lubricants away from silicone toys to prevent bonding damages
  • Store batteries separately and remove them from vibrators during storage
  • Allow glass and metal toys to air dry thoroughly before storing to prevent moisture-trapping

Proper storage in a discreet location also prevents accidental exposure to kids or friends. Never store toys in humid places like the bathroom.

Inspecting Your Toys

Make it a habit to inspect toys before each use:

  • Check for cracks, clouding, or pitting, which indicate a material breakdown
  • Ensure any batteries/motors function properly
  • Watch for cuts, scrapes, or porous areas that can harbor microbes
  • Discard toys with a foul odor - this signals bacterial overgrowth
  • Test for heating or shocking, which can indicate an electrical malfunction

Be incredibly diligent with older toys to identify signs of wear and replace them as needed. Damaged toys put you at greater risk for infection.

Considerations for Vibrator Maintenance

Vibrators feature motors and delicate electronics that require special care:

  • Completely dry vibrators before charging, and do not charge for more than 2 hours to avoid potential overheating
  • Store upright to prevent fluid from seeping into battery compartments
  • Use toy wipes or soap specifically formulated to be electronics-safe
  • Check that silicone vibrators don't stick to silicone toy cases or become tacky
  • Clean control panels carefully to avoid moisture damage

Improper cleaning causes most vibrator malfunctions, so take the time to keep motors and interfaces dry.

Traveling with Toys

Care Of Sex Toys

If bringing toys on trips and vacations:

  • Remove batteries from vibrators and pack them separately
  • Place toys in water-tight plastic bags to prevent leaks or exposure
  • Pack toys in ordinary bags versus suitcases, which may get hand-searched
  • Clean all toys after returning home to remove any microbes picked up

Travel does put extra wear and tear on toys, so scrutinize them after trips before use. Consider designated travel toys versus bringing your favorites.

When to Replace Old Toys

No toy lasts forever. Replace when you notice:

  • Cloudiness, stickiness, cracks, or abrasions
  • Persistent foul odors even after cleaning
  • Changes in performance and function
  • Visible build-up in pores or crevices
  • Irritation during use signaling material breakdown
  • Frequent need to recharge vibrators more quickly

Trust your senses – if a toy seems damaged, smells terrible, or functions poorly, discard it. Don't risk injury or infection trying to extend a toy's lifespan indefinitely.

Toy Materials to Avoid

Steer clear of toys made of the following porous, unstable, or hazardous materials:

  • Jelly rubber or PVC contains phthalates and pores retain bacteria
  • Latex unstable material degrades quickly
  • Vinyl contains phthalates which disrupt hormones
  • Polyurethane porous material that breaks down over time
  • Celluloid – flammable material that yellows with age
  • Acrylic/Lucite – can potentially crack and break during use
  • Any material with a strong chemical or paint-like odor

Research materials carefully and invest in high-quality, non-porous options like silicone or stainless Steel whenever possible. Your health is worth it!

Cleaning Anal Toys

Anal toys require extra diligent cleaning due to bacteria exposure. Follow these crucial steps:

  • Use generous water-based lube to minimize microtears during use
  • Always wear a condom over toys during anal play
  • Clean immediately after use as residual fecal matter damages toy material
  • Utilize toy wipes to remove visible debris before standard washing
  • Sterilize between partners with bleach, boiling, or UV light sanitizers

Neglecting to clean anal toys after use risks serious infections properly. Take the time to sanitize these toys meticulously.

Caring for Leather Gears and Apparel

Leather intimate accessories require conditioning to stay flexible and avoid cracking:

  • Wipe leather clean using a soft, damp cloth only – harsh soaps damage leather
  • Apply leather conditioner regularly, massaging it into the material
  • Use suede brushes lightly to revive napped leather items
  • Store supported correctly in an excellent, dry location
  • Spot clean leather clothing by hand versus machine washing
  • With regular conditioning, high-quality leather items become supple and last for years.

Common Sex Toy Problems and Solutions

Care Of Sex Toys

Even with diligent care, toys can develop issues. Try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Tacky/melted silicone: Only use water-based lube and avoid contact with other silicone products. It may need replacement.
  • Cloudy appearance: Indicates porous material breaking down. Discard and replace the toy.
  • Bad odor: Bacteria buildup. Discard the toy, as the odor will persist even after cleaning.
  • Erratic vibrations: Try new batteries. If the issue persists, the internal motor is likely damaged, requiring replacement.
  • Loss of power: Place the vibrator on the charger for at least 2 hours, checking if the poblem persists.
  • Overheating: Allow the toy to cool fully between uses and charge the battery completely before use. If overheating recurs, discard.
  • Irritation or discomfort: Discontinue use and try another body-safe toy material if it persists. It may signal an allergy.

Know when to replace a toy displaying recurring problems. Don't jeopardize health or safety by overextending a toy's lifespan.


While intimate toys should deliver years of pleasurable play, they require primary care and maintenance to stay in top condition. They clean toys regularly using the proper methods for each material, store them safely away from damage or debris, and inspect them before we keep your toys in prime shape.

While an investment in time and diligence, the effort pays off in maximizing the enjoyment, longevity, and safety of your bedroom purchases. Follow these toy care tips, and you can indulge in ecstasy, comfortably knowing hygiene and care have been handled. Here's to keeping your toys in tip-top condition for countless nights of pleasure!


Q1. Can you use rubbing alcohol to clean toys?

Avoid alcohol on jelly rubber, cyber skin, or silicone, which can cause damage. It is okay; glass, stainless steel hard plastics, soap, and water are still preferred for routine cleaning.

Q2. Is there anything you should not use to clean sex toys?

Yes - avoid acetone, disinfectants, window or abrasive cleaners as these can all damage intimate toy materials. Also, do not use silicone lube with silicone toys.

Q3. How do you clean toys for anal play?

Use hot water and antibacterial soap, allow them to air dry thoroughly, then spray them with a sanitizer. Bleach solution or sanitizing UV wand also works. Always use condoms on porous toys used anally.

Q4. What are signs a toy needs to be replaced?

Cracks, clouding, stickiness, odor that persists after cleaning, changes in vibration, overheating, visible pores in materials, and irritation during use signal a toy should be discarded.

Q5. Can you wash toys in the dishwasher?

Yes silicon stainless steel and borosilicate glass, or ABS plastic toys can be put on top of your dishwasher. Use the "sanitize" setting if available. Remove batteries first. Avoid extreme heat drying.

Q6. How long should you boil toys to sanitize them?

Bring water to a full boil, then place toys in for 5+ minutes of active boiling to ensure they are thoroughly disinfected between users or orifices.

Q7. What toys should you never share?

Porous rubber, jelly, or CyberSkin toys harbor bacteria even after cleaning. Also, discard heavily scratched or damaged toys. Purchase your non-porous toys for health safety.

Q8. Where is the best place to store sex toys?

Keep toys clean and dry, away from extreme temperatures and sun exposure. Avoid humidity. Store separately to prevent contact between materials.

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